The brotherhood meeting was opened by President Marty Rosenberg at 7:19 p.m.  The minutes of the Executive Board meeting on September 13, 1964, will read and accepted.  The Treasure’s Report followed:

As of the August 17 audit:



At this time, committee reports were given by the Committee Chairman:

Service: the following Brothers signed up to work on the rally on Friday September 18 at  6 p.m.: Ray M., Richard S., Marty R., Prescott F., John K., Ed Skea, Paul T., Mel K., Dick Sterling, Tom P., Jak K., Larry B., Cliff J.

It is signing up to usher at the all University convocation on September 24 at 11:10 a.m.: Don Haynes, Karl Polson, Joel Cassola, Steve Pretanik, and Martin Rosenberg.

Larry Benedict reported on the program of the Foreign Students Convocation of September 23, at which Mr. Wells, Dean Field, Dean Curtis, and Miss Russell are to speak.

The Camp Jolly work project on September 26, and Debating Tournament on November 7 were briefly discussed.

Ed Skea was appointed chairman for the Alumni Tailgate Picnic on Homecoming Weekend, and Carlos Inacio was appointed chairman of the Homecoming parade, with Ralph Lennon is co-chairman.

Carlos then gave a brief report on Book Exchange.

Membership: John Goodrich outlined the pledge program for the semester.  There will be a membership meeting Tuesday, September 15 at 6:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall.

Officer of 3rd Vice President: Brother Dave Mitchell, 3rd VP mentioned that he has received from national, a complete list of all alumni and initiates.  Brother Mitchell mentions several ways in which APO could assist operation New Friend, designed to aid foreign students.  They be: to provide auto transportation, and donate lamps, bedspreads or other furniture to the students to help them furnish their apartments.  The compilation of a "4-College Dormitory Directory" was briefly discussed, followed by an outline of the publicity chair for the coming semester.

The financial report followed: Jack Kooyoomjian reported on the progress of the concert, and Money Rosenberg reported on the progress of the "benches".  Volunteers for finance committee: Dave Greenspan, Glen More, and Ray Matascowicz(?).

Move: to amend the motion "but the book exchange committee be recommended to approach the Sun bulletin and asked for change in the operating limitations.  This change is to consist of the following: that any net revenue obtained from the operation in excess of recommended operation expenses used for charitable or serviceable purposes, this purpose to be approved by the appropriate university officials."  The amendment consistent to leading "recommended operating expenses" and adding "recommended operation reserves".  This motion was passed

Move: to amend the above motion and amend by deleting "appropriate university officials" and adding "the SUG Board".  This motion was tabled to the Finance Committee.

Marty Rosenberg then read the letter from New England Regional Vice Chairman, Richard E. ~garbled on source document~, in which he discussed his reasons for not attending Spring Banquet last year.  It was suggested that the chapter sent him a letter and sympathy.

At this time nominations for the office of recording secretary were open.  The Executive Board nominated brother Denny Myshrall, and brother Ted Gordon was nominated from the floor.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Ted Gordon
Acting Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes